CRank: 5Score: 4670

Why do we have to compare Gears (or Halo) to ____ PS3 game or vice versa? I liked both enough to get Platinum on UC2 (marco polo baby) and on my 3rd playthrough through Gears. Honestly, coming from a multi-console owner, I couldn't care less which one does better then the other, since both sequels WILL deliver.

idk why you guys try to compare and nitpick every little detail. I didn't care about the rating either one got, since they were both day 1 and day 2 buys for me (forgot money...

5258d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

about the no lag on PSN, lol that's the blindest thing I've ever seen written. 1 we all know (unless we only own the PS3) warhawk is full of lag. Killzone 2 does too. Resistance does just not as much

I've had the PS3 since it was launched, so if I can pay $600 for a console I can pay a year for Live, believe me or not. the truth is, the wireless connection on The 360 is much better than ps3, even if you have to pay.

5288d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

yeah I hate it when ppl say it was a bad designing on Bungies part.

and the guy who said 3-4 hour campaign, yep, keep telling yourself that.

5303d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree bout the glitches, but it's still fun though.

I don't understand the disappointment for ODST, it did just what it set out to do, which was to fill in the gap between halo 3 and reach by adding all the multiplayer packs as well as firefight and the Reach beta, the campaign was fun, nothing to not like about it. 4 hours? haha bet anyone whoever says that hasn't played it, taken me 8 hours, since I like to enjoy my games. too bad the 4 hour rumor has been spreading, it's su...

5304d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


5307d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is really something. First of all I like how people always are lie graphics this graphics that. if u want it to be uncharted go play that. halo was never into graphics. just look at the faces of every halo game, nothing special right? see I hate to generalize but ever since blu-Ray, all the Sony fans do is say if a game doesn't have amazing graphics they won't play it. it's sad, since they will say a game is GREAT if it has amazing graphics but mediocre gameplay. I'm not saying I hate go...

5307d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

no 360 game has sold 5 million? sure.. keep telling yourself that. halo and gears (really doesn't matter which one, all the latest sequels for these have, besides ODST)

ugh, now to explain again why I chose 5 million, simply because no ps3 exclusive has sold that much, MGS4 being the closest.

u ask who predicted big numbers? just about every new game for the ps3 will be the next big game, then only sell 2 million.
I can see you saying 2 million is a lot of cop...

5318d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

when has 5 million been the selling mark?? when a ps3 exclusive gets there, and mgs4 sold 4 million. I hate to start some debate but ps3 games have not been big money makers for Sony or just barely making enough profit for a sequel. about mgs4, which happends to be my 3rd fab game this hen with littlebigplanet being 4th... they just haven't sold the numbers predicted for them...

it's true. I kno what I just did is quite unpopular, argueing with someone who owns a ps3.. oh well

5318d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Prove it? Ok sir, what PS3 exclusive has sold 5 million copies? I hate to say it.. but none. don't even ask me for a source, deep down you can guess that this is true

5319d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

oh please, so I take what u just said wasn't anything those "fanboys" were saying. right?

5319d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ above
how is that a fail, for the most part it's true

5319d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

I cant wait to play as a fat version of drake! Wonder how he will move?

5324d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

For once I agree with you 100%. I was thinking the exact same thing. At least we can count on First party devs for both systems to bring good news, not a website revamp...

5325d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Number 7 was for sure the best. 12 disappointed me kinda. It made me second guess Jrpg's since then, I have bought Fallout 3 and Mass Effect and enjoyed them both, so idk if the Jrpg are getting better.

I'm really hoping FF13 will deliver, because if it will. . . well damn that would be sweet

5326d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

OK? I still have the old Xbox, works fine. DO you even know how RROD is received on your Xbox (I assume that's what you were talking)? It's by not playing it for an extended period of time, usually a year. It can also be received by people with a lot of dust in their home and who keep it in close up spaces. So please, don't act like you know stuff about a system you don't own. Keep your thoughts to just the PS3, because you obviously own that console.

Sad most fanboys are the typ...

5326d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

The guy above me is correct. As for the guy above him, its 10 seconds long. 10 seconds. If that makes you mad, which i don't know why it would since you obviously don't own a 360, then you would have to be impatient.

My logic: You get what you pay for. I pay for LIVE, and I get great service and a fun time, and I don't pay for PSN, which is why things don't run as smoothly. If you want to complain about the price, well go ahead. If this is what you do after school or during work...

5330d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sure the PS3 is starting to gain some profit for Sony, but comon guys. We SHOULD all know that the 360 makes more money for MS than Sony. RROD doesn't even equal what Sony has lost from the first 2-3 years of the PS3. It's common sense. After Jan 2009 though I can admit the PS3 has been picking up the pace, it's just the high production cost of the PS3 caused for a bunch of terrible set backs for them financially.

5334d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

haha yeah. I think it will be Athena though, since she seems to have this connection (being a God of War) and all.

5335d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

360 only game noted for its graphics. Well hmm. You got me, since Microsoft makes, or to not piss the PS3 people off by not being specific, funds PC hardware, so if you buy lets say Mass Effect or Halo 3, aren't you still buying a Microsoft funded game? GAMES FOR WINDOWS means MICROSOFT HAS GOT YOU AGAIN!

Ok I kinda lost myself, I will admit. I just don't understand this whole system anymore. People used to get more than one system and applaud both, not troll both. I will say yet...

5341d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I know! Anything to do with something 360 these days is just "an uncharted copy cat" or "nothing new" or "bad visuals" . I mean some people need to rethink their life. Uncharted 2 is not that amazing. I got platinum on it, and I didn't think it was that amazing because everyone hyped it to the point on overload.
This games will be good, I'm expecting something like the hype for Mass Effect. Remember that? Kinda a new idea, appeases the Hardcore crowd, and ...

5341d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment